

An academic student complaint is a non-civil rights related complaint generated by an individual student concerning the work-related activities of a faculty member. 学术投诉可以包括但不限于以下内容:对学术工作的评估(e).g. 成绩纠纷, 考试重拍), 教员在上课或考试中没有遵守学院的规定, 等. Each student complaint is processed separately unless 老师 agrees to meet with multiple students.

提交学术投诉的学生将被要求执行以下步骤. 如果在学术投诉中被点名的教员是系主任, then the “department chair” role in all steps of this process will be completed by a different department chair, 最好是相关专业的.

步骤1. 学生与老师会面

学生必须主动与有投诉的教师进行会谈. 在这次会议上,学生必须确定问题并提出解决方案. This meeting must take place no later than the end of the fourth week of the semester following the relevant incident/dispute. 最好是面对面的会议, 但是允许多人参加的电子形式是可以接受的. 没有电子格式的,应当采用书面形式. 一名代表,必须来自学院.e. 在读学生, 教练, 管理员或学生解决方案倡导者(SRA), 各方是否可以要求参加这次预定的非正式会议. 如果教师不再受雇于学院, 这个学生将与系主任见面.

步骤2. 学生以书面形式提出投诉

如果在学生和老师的会面中冲突没有解决, 学生选择继续探究, 他/她必须以书面形式提出投诉. 投诉应包含(至少):所指控的冲突或行动的日期和时间, 解决问题的第一步会议的日期和时间, 投诉摘要, 以及任何相关的文件. 学生还必须包括他或她正在寻求的解决方案或结果. The form and 任何证明文件 must be submitted to the SO within 10 business days of the meeting with 老师.

  • SRA将投诉记录在学生在CASM同事屏幕上的记录中.
  • SRA决定投诉的类型, 它符合上述导言段落中概述的适当投诉标准, 以及应咨询哪些部门和/或将哪些部门纳入决议.
  • The SRA contacts 老师 via email to confirm whether a 步骤1 meeting between the student and 教练 has taken place regarding the complaint. 如果有的话, the SRA will include the confirmation email from 老师 in the complaint documents for future steps. 如果没有,SO将通知学生返回流程的第1步. 如果SO在五(5)个工作日内没有收到教员的回复, 假设第1步会议已经举行,流程继续进行第3步. 41教师手册2019-2022
  • If the complaint is determined to meet the academic complaint criteria (including that the 步骤1 meeting has taken place), the complaint form and all supporting materials (including documents submitted by the student as well as relevant information from the SRA) shall be scanned and emailed to the responsible department chair within three (3) business days from confirmation of 步骤1.
  • 如果投诉被认定是非学术性的, 参见H部分:非学术性学生投诉.
  • SRA应追踪学术投诉, 必要时, 通过以下步骤, 以确保时效性要求得到满足, 该学生将继续接受正当程序并记录解决方案.
  • 一旦做出最终决定, 在这个过程的任何一步, the SRA shall record the disposition and the complaint/appeal record and assure the student is notified of the outcome.

步骤3. 投诉提交系主任

在收到投诉材料后的五(5)个工作日内, 系主任 will contact 老师 and the student to arrange an informal meeting regarding the complaint within a reasonable timeframe. 系主任不会向讲师提供投诉文件的完整副本, 但会解释抱怨的问题.

步骤4. 系主任举行非正式听证会

系主任应与学生及导师召开会议. 最好是面对面的会议, 但是允许多人参与的电子格式是可以接受的. 没有电子格式的,应当采用书面形式. 系主任应在会前进行必要的调查. 系主任在这次会议中的角色是中立的调解人. 系主任将在会议的五(5)个工作日内提出书面建议. 此建议将通过电子邮件转发给教师,学生和SRA. 它将包括会议的日期, 出席会议的各方, 会议上各方同意的口头决议, 以及主席可以提出的解决冲突的建议.

步骤5. 向院长投诉

如果学生或教师对与系主任的会议结果不满意, they must request that the SRA send the complaint forward to the Supervising Dean within five (5) business days of the receipt of 系主任’s written recommendation. SRA应及时转交投诉原件, 任何证明文件, and 系主任’s written recommendation to the Supervising Dean who will then promptly provide 老师 and 协会主席 with a true and complete copy of all these documents.

步骤6. 迪恩举行了一次正式的听证会

Within five (5) business days of the time 老师 and the Association should have received the relevant complaint documents, 主管院长应与学生联系, 教练, 和协会主席在合理的时间内安排一次正式的听证会. The 教练 may write and submit a written statement of facts as he/she understands them to the Dean before the time of the hearing. 可能参加听证会的利益相关方包括学生, SRA(如果学生愿意), 老师, 他们的协会代表和系主任. Other individuals may be present at the 42 Faculty Manual 2019-2022 hearing but they may not participate in the proceedings. 最好是面对面的听证会, 但是允许多人参与的电子格式是可以接受的. 没有电子格式的,应当采用书面形式.

步骤7. 院长发布决议

在听证会后的五(5)个工作日内, 主管院长将向学生分发投诉的书面解决方案, 教练, 协会主席, 和SRA. The written resolution will state the facts as assessed by the Dean and indicate what appropriate actions will be taken.

步骤8. 向首席学术官申诉

The student or 教练 may appeal the Dean’s disposition of the complaint to the Chief Academic Officer. 向首席学术官提出的上诉只有在符合以下标准之一的情况下才会被考虑:

  • There is substantive new evidence not previously available at the time of the Dean’s hearing which could have materially affected the outcome.
  • 该案件存在程序上的错误,严重影响了听证的公正性.

如学生或导师有上述上诉理由, they must submit a letter to the Chief Academic Officer outlining the grounds for their appeal within five (5) business days of the receipt of the Supervising Dean’s written resolution. The Chief Academic Officer may request all relevant complaint documentation from the Supervising Dean 和SRA. The Chief Academic Officer will decide within five (5) business days of receipt of all relevant documents whether a formal appeal hearing is warranted.

如果首席学术官认为有必要进行正式的上诉听证, 他/她应与学生联系, 教练, 和协会主席在合理的时间内安排一次正式的听证会. 可出席听证会的利益相关方应包括该学生, SRA(如果学生愿意), 老师, 他们的协会代表, 系主任, 和主管院长. 首席学术官可以包括一名不参与申诉过程的学术院长. 最好是面对面的会议, 但是允许多人参与的电子格式是可以接受的. 没有电子格式的,应当采用书面形式.

步骤9. 首席学术官发出上诉决议

在听证会后的五(5)个工作日内, 首席学术官将向学生分发书面申诉决议, 教练, 协会主席, SRA和主管院长. The written resolution will state the facts as assessed by the Chief Academic Officer and indicate what appropriate actions will be taken. This is the ultimate step in the Academic Student Complaint Process and the decision of the Chief Academic Officer is final.

向公司、证券公司投诉 & 商业牌照科

密歇根州许可和监管事务部门的公司,安全 & 商业牌照科 is the agency designated to review complaints against institutions of higher education providing distance education. Complaints concerning JC’s distance education activities regulated by Michigan’s Higher Education Authorization and Distance Education Reciprocal Exchange Act (2015 PA 45) may be directed to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 公司, 证券 & 商业牌照局.O. 密歇根州兰辛市30018号信箱48909.



2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站已被密歇根州批准参加 国家授权互惠协议全国委员会. NC-SARA是一种自愿的、区域性的方法,用于国家监督高等教育远程教育. 杰克逊的大学 is authorized to operate in all states that participate in the 国家授权互惠协定(SARA).


Students residing outside of the State of Michigan while attending 杰克逊的大学 who desire to resolve a grievance should first contact the 学生决议倡导者.

如果投诉在联系学生解决方案倡导者后无法在内部解决, 在线远程教育学生可向有关部门提出投诉 状态门户实体. 密歇根州门户实体对密歇根州sara批准的机构具有管辖权.
